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Social Songs

1 min read

Today I was reading an opinion poll at about "The Most Importan Songs Ever Written" - while I don't really have an answer to that question a bunch of others did chime in. Two of the respondents reminded me of two great songs that both touch on very heavy topics about humanity. The first mentioned Sarah McClachlan's song "World on Fire" - combined with it's video it sends a pretty strong message about creating change where it is most needed.

The second song is one I hadn't heard in a very long time, Bob Marley's "War". It has been so long since I heard it that when I first saw it mentioned I thought he must have confused it with the song of the same name by Edwin Starr. However, a quick search reminded me of Bob's timeless song about racism and inequality.

I highly recommend both songs. Other tracks that were nominated in the poll included "The Happy Birthday Song", "Ride of the Valkyries", and "Imagine" plus many others.