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Follow Me Friends

1 min read

I have the "lifestream" page on this site which gives you all sorts of information about the things I'm doing online. And now, I have an even more complete picture of my activities via my "FriendFeed". This is basically a lifestream that you can have sent right to your computer via one of many applications. I use Twhirl.

Why would you want to follow me? I'm not entirely sure but if you are interested in my life it might be a good idea. If you have a friend feed account already and I actually know you I'd love to know about it so I can add you to my list of friends and I can keep up with you.

FriendFeed is currently aggregating at least the following of my online activities: twitter, amazon wishlist, google feed reader shared items, both of my blogs,,, digg, mag.nolia,, youtube, and picasaweb. So this serves as your one stop shop for my publicly shared online activity. The only thing it is missing is my newsvine writings.