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Freedom of Speech - No Exceptions

2 min read

Ok, there are some common exceptions to our beloved Freedom of Speech such as the "fire in a crowded movie theater" example but, in general, Freedom of Speech means you can speak your mind without fear of repercussions from the government; regardless of the topic.  That one freedom is the cornerstone upon which the remainder of our freedoms stand.  I don't care which of the rights you pick that are spelled out in the constitution, without the first amendment none of the others would still exist.

When President Bush (W) was in office I had to speak out against the efforts his administration made to curtail free-speech with such acts as "free speech zones".   I had hoped that things would improve, in regards to our civil liberties, when President Obama took office but a disturbing activity took place recently that leaves me very concerned.  The Obama administration, at the UN, has sided with a variety of muslim nations on the ironically named U.N. Human Rights Council to make an exception for freedom of speech for any "negative racial and religious stereotyping." Let me be clear, this resolution DOES NOT bring any laws into being which restrict speech - however it certainly gives nations that support suppressing speech ammunition to back up their restrictions.

President Obama had better make it perfectly clear that we, as a nation, do not condone suppression of speech regardless of the religious or ethnic topic being discussed.  If he doesn't then, even without passing a law, he is implicitly supporting other countries suppression of basic human rights and that just isn't something we, the people, should be doing. Here are some additional takes on this, largely unreported, resolution.