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Gay Pride

2 min read

I've never really understood the purpose of gay pride flags, bumper stickers, shirts, etc.  I mean, really, who cares who you like to have sex with?  I don't wear or display "straight pride" stuff so why would you want to wear/display gay pride stuff? Well, this morning I think I finally got it.  Those flags, stickers, and shirts have nothing to do with the person's sexual preference specifically but rather their membership within a specific sub-culture.  The people who fly these flags aren't saying, "Look at me!  I prefer sex with the same gender!"  Instead they are saying, "I'm proud of and support the GLBT community." Those rainbow flags and shirts are no different in spirit than the jerseys and flags that fans of some college football programs wear on game day.  Both groups are part of their own subculture and are showing their pride in their particular subculture through the overt display of the symbols that represent their subculture. So, why don't straight people where "straight pride" stuff? Well, the same reason people don't fly an "Earth" flag but they will fly their nations flag.  There just isn't any exclusivity to being a member of "Earth" or in being straight.  Neither of these are sub-cultures.  Being straight is so prevalent that you don't even think of it as a group.  But the GLBT community has been marginalized for so long that they are a true subculture. I may be missing some of the nuance to the GLBT pride displays but I think this is probably the heart of the matter.  What do you think?  Am I just stating the obvious (please, only non GLBT people answer that one)?