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Dollar Shave Club - Is it Right for Me?

4 min read

Last week I signed up for the Dollar Shave Club.  I had seen their pretty funny viral ad video about a year ago and had been thinking about subscribing to their service but I had a backlog of blades I'd bought on ebay and it took until last week for me to run out.

So I took the plunge.  Today the blades showed up.  I don't shave daily - I'm lazy - instead I shave maybe once every three days.  I also, on occasion, shave my head; the whole thing.  As part of my initial test of their blades I'll be shaving both my face and head.  We'll see how that goes.

The blades arrived in pretty simple packaging - just a stiff brown envelope.

Nothing to remarkable.  I had heard back when the club first started, that people were getting broken blades or handles.  Mine arrived in tact.  The handle is pretty heavy and is liberally covered with rubber for, I suppose, a better grip.  The blade locking mechanism is a little tight and I had to really force it into the blade to get the two to join.  I also had to push the release button pretty firmly to separate the two.

The razor handle was packaged in nothing more than a plastic baggy.  I'm not even sure what purpose the baggy serves.  Along with the four blades and the handle there were two paper inserts.  The first is the larger card that jokes about not drinking and shaving - trying to keep the schtick of the video alive.  The second is also just a jokey little card that tries to be witty in the style of "The Princess Bride" by making a reference to Asian land wars.


Overall I didn't think either really did much for the experience though I suppose had they neglected to put anything in the envelope other than the blades and handles I'd have knocked them for having incredibly cheap packaging instead of just thinking they have basically cheap packaging.  Honestly, I don't care about the package so long as I get a good clean shave from the blades.  So, how did that work out?

Here was my face pre-shave:


Not too much growth but I needed a shave.  The razor worked okay.  It was probably as about as effective on my face as my traditional Mach III turbo XL.  However, it didn't clear as easily which is probably due to the fact that four blades are wedged into the same space I normally have three blades (or maybe just a little more - the cartridge did feel a little larger).


My face was already red before shaving but you can get a general idea of how close the blade got (that's my ear on the left of the image).  I think it feels just a little less close than the blade I'm used to using got but it is barely noticeably different so it could be my mind playing tricks on me.

My head is a different matter entirely.  When I shave my head it usually comes out feeling incredibly smooth. However, certain parts of my head, no matter how many times I shaved it or from what angles I attacked, I could not get them feeling truly smooth.  Here is my head pre and post shave:

My head certainly looks a lot better but rubbing my hand around I can feel a lot of stubble (not noticeable by the eye).  Normally I can't feel any stubble or see it after I shave my head.  It's still pretty good and I can live with it but I would certainly prefer for my skull to be as smooth as possible post-shave.
Overall, considering the price, I'm pretty happy with the purchase.  I'll see how long the blade lasts before I pass final judgement.
One nice thing I noticed about the online portion of the club is that it was incredibly easy to change the rate at which new blades arrive.  I was able to easily toggle between four cartridges per month to four every other month and back again.  
