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On Losing a Friend

2 min read

28 days ago my friend Jeff Kovatch suffered a brain aneurysm that transformed him from a rambunctious life loving guy. 28 days he has been in a persistent vegetative state. I've not been able to hear him laugh or tell a crazy story or cheer on Marshall or Pitt or see him being the amazing husband or fantastic father that he is. It's been a really horrible 28 days.

In my 44 years I've not really known death. I've been exceptionally lucky in that. More so, since moving to WV, I've been even luckier to make some amazing friends. Losing any of them seems unimaginable to me and yet, here I am, watching a wonderful family suffer the loss of a great guy. It really fucking sucks.

I didn't frequently hang out with Jeff but every thing I ever did with him was marked with fun. No matter the scenario, or the people around, I could count on Jeff to improve the event. He always had funny stories to tell, crazy capers to relate, and interesting knowledge to share. He had an uncanny ability to share joy in even inconsequential things - like shitty beer.

In this photo Jeff is on the right at a party with some of those other amazing friends. He'd just finished extolling the virtues of "Little Kings" a cream ale I'd never heard of.

Jeff was smart and funny and big and bold and vibrant and it sucks beyond description that he is leaving.